What is CSS ?

CSS language

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Cascading Style Sheets, the CSS language and known in Arabic as Cascading Style Sheets, is one of the main technologies used to build web pages along with HTML. It has the advantage of adding features and features to the structure of webpages, such as the colors, fonts, and styles that a web page takes.

It also explains how web page elements and applications will be viewed on the screen in the end user interface regardless of their type, and is usually included in documents written in one of the XML, HTML, or XHTML markup languages, among others. It must be noted that before the start and use of the CSS language, the user must have basic information about the HTML language and its tags.

CSS language properties

- The ability to integrate many options and symbols for HTML and CSS together to access the integrated features.
- Flexibility and ease of use and application.
- Case sensitive.
Providing the user with the opportunity to use several commands and tags to end with an integrated web page.
HTML Essentials First Needed.
Control page dimensions and appearance from background styles, size, elements, alignment, font colors, and more.
Achieve consistency between the dimensions of the web page of the site, regardless of the size of the site.
Increase download speed and reduce costs associated with hosting the site.
Achieving compatibility between webpages on the site with browsers with ease, and thus adaptation between them, which entails attracting more visitors to enjoy viewing the site.
Opening the horizon for the user to place display options in his hands in line with the device used. 3
History of the CSS language
The history of the first CSS language dates back to the tenth of October 1994 at the hands of the programmer Hakon Fiume Lay, where he collaborated with an integrated team of programmers to finally come out with standard sheets to design web pages efficiently, and the necessity of issuing the first document W3C CSS year was reached. 1996; This was her first release> and the next version was issued based on suggestions from Bert Boss, and the founders shared it, and information indicates that its development came for the purposes of providing the patterns for the web that are required and as needed.

The importance of the CSS language has increased in conjunction with the development of the HTML language to complement each other, and their merging has made the presentation of pages across the web more and more clear, easy and important to the users. In each version of this language, the team working on its development was keen to address the gaps in the previous version and add more features and additional features to come out with a new version, and the information indicates that there are versions that are still under development since 2014.4

CSS language tags
id: This tag is used for identifying what the document is to be written.
Class: This tag provides the opportunity to add document annotations to deliver a specific message.
font: Specifies the color of the typed text, requires a closing and beginning tag, and the difference between writing it in CSS and HTML is as follows:
<h1 Style = “color: red;”> Chapter 1 </h1>

In HTML, the tag is written as follows:

<h1> <font = ”green”> chapter 1 <h1>

link href, this tag is used to add hyperlinks to a page, whether it is going to be a stored file or a website.

Author : Rim Abu Ajeeb
Source : Link